Etape Loch Ness volunteers needed!

Calling all Morning Larks!

Help is needed for Etape Loch Ness on Saturday 22nd August.

Several volunteer marshals are needed to cover between the Clansman Hotel and Urquhart Castle from 5am-9am.

Each marshal will earn a £20-£25 donation to their choice of group (e.g. Glenurquhart Primary School)

The organisers are minimising contact on the event but the marshals generally have little to do with the cyclist other than directions and making sure spectators are not in the way. 

Police will be in the village, marshals radio/call in IF there is a problem.

It is a CLOSED road – unless escorted no vehicles on or cross the A82.

All gear needed for the day will be provided.  Marshals will be provided with information sheets with contacts, their marshal point, how to use the radio and any other information.  3 locations require a flag and whistle, that will be provided (these are warnings for the cyclist)

On the morning, you will meet Mrs McWhirr before going to your post.

Mrs McWhirr requires the marshal contact number and email.  This way Mrs McWhirr can contact you to confirm timings and any information you require.  She can also provide a link with info for the organisers including where the donations are to go.

Interested? Please email Miss Mullin by Friday 9th July with your contact number AND email address.

Please remember Chromebooks tomorrow!

P7s need to hand in their Chromebooks and chargers tomorrow!

As per Highland Council agreements, all Primary 6 and Primary 7 children are given a Chromebook 1:1
device. All Primary 7 children should return their Chromebooks, with their cases and charger to the
school prior to leaving for the Summer.
They will be reissued with a Chromebook when they begin the
High School.

Prize giving and leavers’ gifts

This afternoon, each of the P7s were gifted with a scientific calculator from our Parent Council. These are recommended by the maths department at Glen Urquhart High School and will be very useful to our P7s throughout their secondary education.

The Parent Council and Primary School Staff wish our P7s all the best as they move on to S1.

All set for S1 STEM subjects!

Three of our P7s wanted to thank the Parent Council on behalf of all the P7s.

Each year, the P7 Citizenship Cups are awarded to 2 pupils who have made significant contributions to the life of the school. These are voted for by all staff and P7s.

This year’s recipients are Meadow and Joshua. Many congratulations to them both!

P7 Citizenship Awards

In memory of our much-loved “Miss Duncan” we also recognise pupils who have made an outstanding effort throughout the year with the Anne Duncan Memorial Quaich. These are nominated by staff and each nominee receives a certificate.

Our nominees this year are Elise, Calum, Dylan, Maisie, Joshua and Mattthew. Well done to all of them!

Congratulations to this year’s winner, Matthew!

The Anne Duncan Memorial Quaich

Congratulations to all our prizewinners from Mrs Laird and all the team.

Mrs Laird and all the staff are very proud of our prizewinners.

Woodland Fun

Date: Tuesday 22nd June 2021

For our last visit to the woodland this session, we started with a mindful listening activity, then played “Flood, Freeze, Camouflage” then worked in pairs/trios to build an eagle’s nest before we returned to school.

Thanks to Mrs MacKintosh and Miss Page for accompanying us.

Pupil Takeover: Coding and Outdoor Art

Date: Tuesday 22nd June 2021

This morning, Conon and Matthew led a coding workshop, showing P6/7 pupils how to code a simple game. After a few technical hitches, the leaders were able to demonstrate the process step-by-step on the CleverTouch board, which many of the pupils found very helpful.

Sophie led an outdoor art session, using natural materials in our playground. The pupils worked in pairs or trios, and had a choice of mild, spicy or hot tasks to complete in the hour. Sophie wanted to encourage creativity; as you can see the pupils created different images and patterns. It was amazing how quickly the natural materials changed as the day wore on.

Pupil Takeover: Drama and PE

Date: Monday 21 June

On Monday morning Ossian led a drama workshop about voice, mime and improvisation. After warming up our voices with tongue twisters, we played a number of different games.

Can your children describe what they are doing in each photo?

In the afternoon, Cody and Brandon put the pupils through their paces with various football drills followed by a multi-ball game of football!

Well done to our workshop leaders – both workshops were well organised and delivered!

Moving On

Date: Wednesday 16th June 2021

Whilst P7 were busy being trainee S1s, P6s were busy preparing to become P7s!

After reflecting on change, they identified their feelings (orange cog words) about moving on to P7, 3 positive things about this change and 3 things they aren’t looking forward to.

Understandably, a real mix of emotions was identified. We discussed how different changes in our lives can affect people differently, and how important it is to have someone to talk to.

Pupil Profiles

Please can P6/7 pupils return their red profile folders as soon as possible? Many thanks.

2020/21 GUPS News

We hope you enjoyed reading your child(ren)’s report and profile (online for P5-7) over the weekend. Please can we request that the red profile folders are returned to school by Friday, 18th June so that we can continue these after the break. Thank you.

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